由Katrina Charman所著與Nick Sharratt插畫的歌唱繪本,可搭配兒歌《Row, Row, Row Your Boat》的旋律唱出。此書描述一趟搭乘海盜船尋寶的探險。小男孩、小女孩與鳥乘著海盜船踏上了這趟旅程,沒想到他們在途中竟遭遇了壞天氣,克服困難後,他們依照尋寶圖的指示找到了目的地,最終他們能如願尋得寶藏嗎?歸途中他們能否躲過鯊魚的攻擊?此書圖文並茂、韻味十足、朗朗上口,給人一種身歷其境的感覺。小朋友,冒險即將展開,一起唱著兒歌尋寶吧!
Join two seafaring pirates and their captain on a nautical adventure to find a treasure chest. Add to that a text that is read aloud to the tune of 'Row, Row, Row Your Boat' and you have a book that will be enjoyed time and time again!
Go, go, pirate boat,
Across the salty sea,
Raise the anchor, hoist the sail,
It's a pirate's life for me.
Little pirate fans will have endless fun singing along to the tune of a favourite nursery rhyme and doing the pirate actions in this fun ocean adventure. With bold, colourful illustrations by the instantly recognisable Nick Sharratt and text by talented newcomer Katrina Charman.